The Pit Bull ban in Denver

Reflective Writings

Our group came up with many different resources regarding the pit bull. I think all of us have a few very similar artifacts that state details and statistics on the breed and how the law makes no sense. I think we have many reasons from many many individuals that describe how many other breeds kill and hurt people and how the pit bull is a dog like all the rest of them. A few focus on the city of Denver and why and how the law first got started. I think I want to continue my argument on the effectiveness on this law and why they don’t add stipulations to owning the breed if it is such a big deal.
-Jillian Smith

2 responses

  1. ajdibala

    I believe our group used efficient ways to collectively gather a wide variety of resources. Some of us used broad search engines, such as Google, and others decided to use academic search engines, such as academic search premier. Regardless of how we went about our individual research, we were all able to come up with thought provoking, reader friendly resources. This, in turn, helped establish our overall ethos as well as gave readers the opportunity to visit other websites or blogs if they required further information. We possessed the same mindset throughout our research. We stood firmly against the Denver Pit Bull Ban and looked to change the opinions of others through factual evidence as well as personal opinion/bias.

    -Andrew Dibala

    November 11, 2010 at 9:54 pm

  2. kduroche

    I was not sure where to currently post this, but I think our group found a variety of research against the ban. Not only did we provide information about the breed and how they got their negative reputation. We, as a group, found information from several different source for alternatives of the ban and how we can help change it. I think our research can connect with several difference audiences (parents, those who fear pit bulls, and animal lovers). Collectively, we did a great job of proving why the ban is bad and will not work. After conducting this research, I would like to possibly argue that it is not the dog…it is the owner.

    ~Kim Durocher

    November 16, 2010 at 4:00 am

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