The Pit Bull ban in Denver

Alternatives to BSL

Because the root problem of this issue is actually irresponsible owners, not an inherently aggressive breed, there should be alternatives to breed-specific bans–which there are. For starters, dogs with history of aggression can be microchipped to track aggressive behavior and prevent future incidents. Moreover, the government could place stricter guidlines concerning the spaying and neutering of these breeds and all breeds because a lot of the times this can reduce aggression. In Iowa, a city proposed a requiremnt of a $100,000 insurance policy for owners of these breeds to ensure that these breeds do not end up in the hands of drug dealers and gangsters who make up the majority of irresponsible owners that have these kinds of dogs for the wrong reasons. All of these alternatives could be combined to make a system that is more practical and enforceable than breed-specific bans and still allows responsible owners to keep their pets.

Pit Bulls bear brunt of breed bans

What Pit-bulls are capable of in the hands of responsible owners

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